Friday, February 13, 2015

Your list, your time

I like the idea of maintaining a blog, because I enjoy writing, and I know that at least in the past what I had to say was always of interest to someone. But for a long time, I have not been able to write or post anything. Since our toddler was born almost two years ago, we've lived in three places on two different continents, which indeed does provide plenty of blogging material, yet, I have not been able to make any time or get my inspiration back. None. Between homeschooling with four boys, working, and taking care of our home, wherever it may be, I just haven't had a lot of time left for myself, let alone creative thought or work. 

My time is often continuously interrupted by someone needing something, hence I find that when I do sit down with the intention to write, my mind is all over the place, and I end up just browsing the news, checking Facebook or watching  a John Oliver YouTube clip.

We have been back in Lebanon almost half a year now, and I finally feel like I’m starting to regain some control of my life. Instead of triaging one crisis after another, or responding to situations, I am catching up, if ever so slightly. Yes, really, I can prove it. 

Exhibit A: This blog! 

Exhibit B: Evernote - lists of things/articles/pictures that inspire me, things I need to do, need to find, want to get done, plan, read, and think about: upcoming events, visits, social events, creating a comfortable living space, working space, projects, meal planning, you name it. I have started looking at these lists, and have even been able to mark some things off by picking out one thing every day that I can get done, or at least think about. Slow and steady. On top of our very busy regular schedule today, I cleaned out my closet, went running and wrote this blog post.

What’s on your list?

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